Delete a group If you delete a group, the users that were in it are automatically moved to the “No Groups Assigned” group.
Create a vehicle Create a vehicle record for every vehicle in your fleet. You can activate and deactivate vehicles and change the device...
Assigning a device to a vehicle In order for a vehicle’s location and status information to be visible on the live view, the vehicle must be...
Assign a vehicle to a user By linking a user with a vehicle, you can combine data provided by the vehicle with information submitted from the...
Add a module The Find modules tab features the Module library. Here, you can search for and view pre-built modules in any industry....
Edit a Module Choose Edit module to change the module name, description and icon. Your changes will display on devices running your application.
Change the mobile layout Design how your modules will display on handsets or other devices. Choose from two (2) layout styles: Tiles layout or...
Search for a module Go to the Industry-specific modules section and choose See modules to view module samples within an industry category. Samples are...